Do Dogs Get the Flu?

Beagle at Vet


I’m down with a cold, and coughing.

So I have some time to think while in bed resting.

Do dogs get the flu? Can they get it from me?

I remember, a long time ago, a vet saying that if a dog starts sneezing, becomes lethargic, or has any colored discharge, it’s time to see a vet.

That’s the conventional wisdom I have lived by but I decided to google it anyway.

I know that dogs can get sick and we vaccinate them against most of these, controversy about vaccinations aside. The one vaccination I know some boarders demand is for kennel cough but I also know it’s not effective as there are various strains. Having the vaccination sprayed up her nose didn’t make Blackspot too happy. She developed an instant dislike of that poor vet as we did have to restrain her. Her first and thus far her last kennel cough vaccination.

From some light reading, it doesn’t appear that dogs can get sick from us (but please remember I’m NOT a vet!). Except in the case of streptococcal, which has both a canine and human strain, that can and has resulted in sickness and death of many dogs. This is documented in 1999, and it was so severe that some Florida greyhound tracks were closed in January and February of that year. (read more here). A handler with a sore throat was thought to be the source of infection in this greyhound kennel epidemic. CSTSS is not easily treatable.

In general it seems dogs mostly get sick from canine strains but it’s always good to keep an eye on our animal friends. Not to be hypochondriac, but be alert to any changes that may need the attention of a vet.

Why Adoption Fees are Important and Necessary?

When so many animals are homeless or need to be rehomed, many people question why adoption fees are charged, even by individuals.  Adoption fees are still controversial to some people. Often they ask why adoption fees? Why do I have to pay if I can offer a home for an animal? Isn’t it better for a dog to be in a home, rather than languish in a shelter? Read on to find out why adoption fees are important and necessary.

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Love Stories

One of the reasons for starting this blog was to share stories about dogs so that people can see a different side to this misunderstood animal with whom I have always been very comfortable.

So it’s when I see how much love and devotion some people show to their pets and animals it needs to be shared.

Dog with stick

Free Image from 123RF

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Two Dogs


I grew up in a one-dog household and always wondered what it would be like having two, especially hearing my husband’s amazing stories of a multiple-dog household. Having two dogs isn’t doubled the work but it’s definitely not something you should jump into.

For me, the considerations and preparations for a second dog were more weighty than when we decided to get our first dog.

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Dogs… more myths and misconceptions

As I walk around my neighbourhood with my dogs, it did occur to me that many people didn’t grow up with dogs and all they know is from the media, personal experiences, and from those they know and meet.

What gets filtered into their world is often skewed, misinterpreted and misinformed, giving them a less than truthful portrayal of a dog. The sad thing is that their fear is transmitted (sometimes forced) onto their children.  I often see curious and happy children wanting to meet the dogs being yanked away by their guardians. I’m not saying that we should let our children meet every Spot, Rufus, or Lassie that comes their way. Interactions between children and animals, especially initial ones, need to be positive and supervised. But to project your fear onto a child who’s merely but proudly naming “dog” instills unnecessary fear which grows into bigger fears.

So here are a couple of observations from people’s initial interactions with my two dogs.

Great Dane

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